Monday, October 13, 2014

Chapter 9: Using Money the Right Way

By consolidating the large amounts of money businesses possess into a joint-account available to all businesses as money would be needed, there would be less money to account for, and businesses would not be hindered from growing to a size that fits the needs of society.  The deficits incurred by offering public goods and services would be offset by the money earned in profitable businesses.
With the government handling the money aspect of all businesses, failing businesses can die peacefully.  In addition, a person's paycheck would never be compromised.
   And finally, there would be no taxes (other than property tax), and no inflation as every dollar is destined to return to the government's account.

Formal Derivation:

9.0 - Each person must be payed enough money to support themselves in exchange for an amount of work that, together with all other workers, would supply all needs.  And money used for business needs should be consolidated into one account so we can avoid problems of inflation and supply money for public needs.

9.1 -
Not depicted (due to complexity, and one I forgot to add):
9.1.1.  There are more than two people and one business.
   9.1.2.  For reasons of rank, difficulty of tasks, skill level, amount of skills known, demand, request, risk, and any other reasons that would add to the value of a person's work, people make different amounts of money.
   9.1.3.  The wonders recycling and finding reliable, sustainable energy sources would have on the stability of the economy - by enabling us to always have resources available for new goods.

9.2 - Recall the objective of the Money Game (in Chapter 7).  This model fixes the problems seen in Chapter 8 and effectively meets the requirements of a fair and just Money Game.

9.3 - The benefits of this system:
   9.3.1.  There's no income tax, because income is calculated based on needs, and there's no sales tax or taxes for public services because the difference between sales and cost of labor and goods (i.e. the CEO's salary) goes directly to the one joint account in the name of the government.
   9.3.2.  There's no inflation because the salary of all persons goes directly back to the government for goods and services desired, and there is no money unaccounted for.
   9.3.3.  Money is regulated by the government (as it should be), and thus can serve its purpose.  Since the Money Game is a covenant, there is to be a governing body enforcing the terms of it.
   9.3.4.  Citizens' wages are derived and given by the government (a source of infinite money that can thus uphold the fair game policy), so no one's pay will never be compromised.

Some problems with this system addressed...

9.4.  With the government in charge of business, there would be no competition and thus no need to innovate.
   9.4.1.  People would be paid for ideas, inventions, etc. that are used; so there would always be innovation.
   9.4.2.  The government would hire the best persons for the job.
9.4.3.  People would be paid (in proportions that would earn fair wages) for time or tasks completed - for however much each category is worth based on what the job is.
9.4.4.  CEOs would be encouraged to compete to gain more profit, because their wages would be depended on it.
(Since certain businesses are just naturally more profitable, wages would be adjusted to provide an equal opportunity to obtain the desired salary)

9.5.  Entrepreneurs don't have the chance to develop profitable, reputable businesses.
   9.5.1.  It is only prohibited for a person to gain profit from another person's accomplishments.  So people can develop personal businesses.
   9.5.2.  If a business requires many people to be functional and it provides a necessity or a source of profit, the business will be created and, if the entrepreneur possesses the skills, they can run the business.   If a development or an idea is projected to be profitable, or if it is necessary for the betterment of society, the government would have to promise to move forward with the idea. All people have different talents:  some people create ideas, some people can run businesses, and some people can create ideas into realities.  We place people into the areas in which they succeed.  If a person succeeds in the area of product or business development, they can have a job in the field.
   9.5.3.  In fact, without needing to worry about a source of income while starting a new business, it would be easier for a business manager to accomplish their tasks.

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